Header and Footer in Object Oriented ALV

Header and Footer in Object Oriented ALV The class used for creating texts for Header and Footer in the below program is CL_SALV_FORM_LAYOUT_GRID. The below methods are used to set the text…

Narrow Casting and Wide Casting In ABAP OOPS

Type casting concept is related to inheritance. There are 2 types of casting Narrow Casting/Up Cast Widening Casting/Down Cast Narrow Casting/Up Cast: In Narrow Casting, the subclass i…

Inheritance Concept in ABAP OOPS with Example

Inheritance Concept in ABAP OOPS with Example Inheritance Child Class inheriting the properties of Parent class is known as Inheritance. In ABAP, a subclass can be created for existing clas…

Interface and Polymorphism in ABAP OOPS

Interface and Polymorphism in ABAP OOPS Interface The Interface is similar to class. Like class an interface also contains attributes, methods, and events but an interface contains only dec…

How To Create Events in Local Class ABAP OOPS

Events in Local Class Events are used to raise a message if any condition is met. For example, in our program we have a code where we need to fetch vendor details based on vendor entered in…

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